I have loved cinema since I was a child, and I continue to believe in the power of the medium to enlighten. Here is a copy of my demo reel along with a list of my memberships and awards.
"Facts do not convey truth. That's a mistake. Facts create norms, but truth creates illumination."
- Werner Herzog
"A film is – or should be – more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later."
- Stanley Kubrick
"But having a really good understanding of history, literature, psychology, sciences – is very, very important to actually being able to make movies."
- George Lucas
"Editing feels almost like sculpting or a form of continuing the writing process."
- Sydney Pollack
WBEA - Women's Business Enterprise Alliance
MWBE-City of Houston Vendor - Minority Woman Owned Businesses
HUB-State of Texas - Historically Underutilized Business
TAFTP - Texas Association of Film and Tape Professionals
TFC – Texas Film Commission
SOC - Society of Camera Operators
WIF - Women In Film
MCA-I - Media Communications Association-International
NAPTE - National Association of Television Program Executives
HUET/METS - Helicopter Underwater Egress Training / Modular
Egress Training Simulator
SafeGulf - HSE orientation to work in the Gulf of Mexico
BP 6&1 - SPM information for BP's Gulf of Mexico operators
TWIC - Transportation Worker Identification Credential
PADI-Advanced Open Water - Professional Association of Diving Instructors
NCRA-CLVS - National Court Reporters Association / Certified Legal Video Specialist
Telly Awards
"Ike", Sagemont Church
"Sexual Addiction Series", Sagemont Church
"Resilience to Trauma", Department of Veterans Affairs
"Shattered Lives", Quanah Productions, Inc.
"When Seconds Count", Quanah Productions, Inc. / IVR
"Women With Energy", Batyah Productions / PBS-8
"Father Carl", Council on Alcohol and Drugs
"YSY Therapy", Notre Ciel Productions
"Apollo 13" 30" Spot, On-Orbit Productions